Be Prepared to Explore the hidden, shadowy world of espionage and Discover the only Museum, open to the public in the United States, dedicated to telling its story. Learn how it has shaped both world and US history and continues to have a significant impact on world events.
Your troop will enjoy exploring the general exhibition, which includes the world’s largest collection of international espionage-related artifacts on public display. The Museum reveals true spy stories, offers over a dozen interactives, and presents hundreds of authentic tools of the spy trade.
Is your troop looking to gain the skills necessary for specific
Merit Badge requirements?
Earn a Signs, Signals, Codes, or an American Heritage merit badge.
The International Spy Museum offers many exhibits that provide the tools, education and skills needed. From interactive stations providing examples and teachings on how to read overhead imagery, to listening and deciphering underwater sounds through sonar.
To schedule your groups click here and receive special group rates with advance reservations