Guided Tours

The Shadow World: Exclusive Guided Tour Experience 

The Shadow World tours are led by former intelligence officers and Historians, creating the most unique tour experience that our Museum offers. These individuals have insights not only into the Museum’s content, but also the real world of spies. Leave your guests feeling truly wowed with The shadow World tour experience.

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Shadow World Tour Guides

Colonel Chris Costa

Tour Guide

Chris Costa is the Executive Director at the International Spy Museum and former Intelligence Officer.

Dexter Ingram

Tour Guide

Dexter is a counterterrorism and counter weapons of mass destruction strategist with over 25 years of experience.

Dr. Andrew Hammond

Tour Guide

Dr. Hammond is the Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum, Public Policy Fellow at the Wilson Center.

Dr. Vince Houghton

Tour Guide

Dr. Houghton is the Director of the National Cryptologic Museum, and the former Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum.

Jonna Mendez

Tour Guide

Jonna Mendez is the Former CIA Chief of Disguise, and a International Spy Museum Founding Board Member.

David Priess

Tour Guide

Dr. David Priess worked at the CIA during the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush presidencies.

Dr. Mark Stout

Tour Guide

Dr. Stout is the Program Director of MA in Global Security Studies, Johns Hopkins University. He is the founding President of the North American Society for Intelligence History.

Espionage in the Making: Guided Tour with Museum Experts 

Let our in-house experts guide you through the Exhibit experience. No one knows our content better than this group of individuals! They will share all of their favorite stories and ensure you leave the experience knowing exactly how espionage has shaped our world.

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Operation Special Agent: General Guided Tour 

Embark on our Operation Special Agent tour! These guides will showcase the coolest gadgets & most daring missions…that they are cleared to tell you. These highlight tours will give you the inside scoop on the secret history of history! 

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Basic Intel

  • Tour Content: Museum collection highlights tour (personalized tours tailored to specific interests can be arranged based on staff availability).
  • Group Size: A maximum of 10 guests per guide. Maximum of 40 guests total per day. All tours with H. Keith Melton will be limited to 6 guests and require a minimum of 3 months’ notice. 
  • Age Recommendations: Thirteen and older (specialty tours can be arranged through the Youth Education Department for 7-12 year olds).
  • Duration: Fees are based on a 90 or 120 minute tour.
  • Timing: Tours are available seven days a week, any day of the year with the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas; based on speaker availability. After hours and weekend fees apply.  
  • Fees: Rates vary based on the expert leading the tour; payment is due in full in advance of the tour.
  • Add-ons: Ask your Sales Account Executive for options and pricing.
  • Reservation is subject to guide availability.

The Spy Museum does not endorse, or support the opinions stated by guest guides. Statements made by guest guides do not represent the position or opinion of the International Spy Museum.