Mike was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations officer and was awarded the CIA’s Intelligence Star for Heroism in the field. Serving with distinction in the US Army Major Susong completed multiple combat tours around the globe. He holds a master’s degree in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University, Washington DC.
In the private sector, Mike created intelligence programs for Fujitsu Limited (Tokyo) and Ernst&Young LLP, and cofounded the cyber intelligence company, iSIGHT Partners (acquired by FireEye). He established the first cyber threat intelligence programs at Pacific Gas and Electric Company and at Visa Incorporated.
He is on the National Intelligence University Foundation Board of Directors, is a Certified Information Security Manager (CISMTM), Certified Protection Professional (CPPTM), a Wilderness First Responder, and a life member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
Mike is a Senior Vice President for GardaWorld, the largest privately owned security company in the world.
Presentation Topics
From Back Alleys to Boardrooms
Mike discusses the evolution of intelligence as a profession, from its contemporary inception to today’s ethical application of intelligence tradecraft in support of business and risk mitigation.
Cybersecurity: What, Me, Worry?
No need to bury your smartphone and garrote Alexa just yet. Separating the hyperbole of the headlines from the reality, Mike offers a rational perspective on the state of the art of cyber threats, how to defend yourself, and how we can and will continue to thrive in a highly connected world.
What’s the Difference?
Considering a career in the Intelligence Community? Mike offers sound and measured advice on the multitude of varied and challenging opportunities to serve in the national security community.
Brother & Sisterhood of the Arrow
Mike delves into the genesis of the CIA and the US military’s special operations forces that were spawned from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in the crucible of World War II, how the CIA and Special Operations Forces have since evolved and how they continually adapt to today’s challenges.
W. Michael Susong is available to speak at your event virtually or in-person. Contact our sales team for more information.
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