National History Day and SPY
Are you a student researching a National History Day project? We are happy to support you if the “secret history of history” (spying or espionage) is your focus. The Museum holds the largest collection of espionage-related artifacts on public view in the world and our digital resources might prove helpful in your research. We are also happy to schedule an interview with a historian or educator (time permitting). Let’s get started!
Before submitting a form for an interview (below), please take some time to explore the Museum’s digital and easily accessible and searchable resources:
• Search the Museum’s collection highlights to discover a selection of artifacts that may help you in your research.
• Explore the Museum’s collection of films and videos which include interviews with experts, former “spies” and intelligence professionals, and historians.
• Listen to one (or more) of our SpyCasts (podcasts) which delve into current events, historical cases, issues in intelligence and hear from experts, former “spies,” and academics.
Once you’ve completed your research using our online resources and you feel speaking to one of the Museum’s educators or our historian is what you require for your research, please take a moment to submit an Interview Request Form. Before you fill out your form, please ask yourself…can I answer these questions with my own research from readily available primary and secondary sources? If the answer is yes, please do not submit a form. Please also be aware that we will do our best to contact you within one week (5 business days) from the day you submit your form.
Interview Request Form
Our SPY Educators will do their best to contact you within one week (5 business days) from the day you submit your request.