1. ADMIT mistakes freely and openly.

2. Nurture and EMBRACE DIFFERING PERSPECTIVES to make better decisions.

3. SMILES are CONTAGIOUS. Be playful, have fun, laugh everyday.

4. Take time to be BOTH a STUDENT and a TEACHER every day.

5. Treat guests and team members with RESPECT and KINDNESS.

6. Use POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT - to build morale, strengthen trust, and provide feedback. 

7. WOW OUR GUESTS! Create unique, memorable and personal experiences they will carry with them always. 

8. Listen well and seek to understand and BE OPEN

9. United We Spy. Believe that TOGETHER WE CAN DO ANYTHING. We rise by lifting each other up. 

10. We strive to CREATE SPY MUSEUM FANS for life. 

11. Most say that's the way it's always been done. WE say THERE MIGHT BE A BETTER WAY